I had a class this morning where we had this discussion on sexuality. The topic was
how come people would put malice on things that are, well, in nature did not really have any sexual
connotations. We talked about several things like Hayden's scandal, bananas, eggplants, bananas, bunnies,
and stuff like those. But one of the examples he gave kind of gave me an idea why a LOT of conservative old hag-- I mean people would worsen things for the lads and lasses with sexual regressions.

He told us he had two daughters who attended in an acquaintance party of a Catholic school. Of course there
were some dancing and music and the DJ happened to play the taboo music for the kiddies during that time; the
oh so enigmatic Careless Whisper. When the faculty members started to hear the famous starting tunes of the song
they rushed towards the DJ and immediately stopped the song from playing any further. The stopping of the music caused
a commotion and the students started to wonder why. After awhile students started chattering " Uyy, oo nga noh diba yan yung
kanta dun sa scandal ni Katrina chaka Hayden," which effectively informed the students, even those unaware of it, of the malice connoted with the song.

Its so ironic to think that the more you try to prevent a person from knowing something the harder it is to keep things from that person. The discussion ended with our prof saying that people in nature love to talk about sex, and with people trying to keep themselves "self-righteous" by keeping that desire boxed can be quite "dangerous" so to speak.

Relating this to the main issue of this website,  one of the objectives of the RH Bill is to basically give information about sex. And the best way to help young people to be aware of the consequences of early parenthood and unwanted pregnancies is to educate them about sex and how to be on the safe side of things.

Facing the reality of things, teenagers these days in our country aren't quite as innocent as mommy thinks. Maybe easing their curiosity would lessen those raging hormones, because I think the more you openly talk and KNOW more about those kind of things the less they would dare venturing on the "taboo." 

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