I've met an Isis International member last week during a seminar I went to with my mom.  My mom told me that she was Ms. Somera, a supporter of the RH Bill and an active member of the said feminist group. I asked what were her thought regarding the status of the passage of the Bill. She told me that the Bill was already long overdue and that she knows that the longer the Bill gets to be neglected by the government, more and more women are suffering from either the lack of knowledge on family planning or the being exposed to unwanted sexually transmitted diseases. She also told me that their organization is still hoping and trying to get to the government in making them realize the importance of the passage of the RH Bill.

    While talking with her, it also came to me that the Bill seemed to have stagnated yet again is being forgotten (like many of the other bills proposed in the Congress and Senate). I just hope that it still would get passed in this new administration.

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